Monday, December 31, 2007

still alive

yes I am still here.

haven't felt like wrting the past few months. living my life has taken the front seat. well that and working in a thankless job that has had me down a lot of the time lately.


job= sucks. we have lost a great many patients over the past few months. and when you work in pediatric oncology that is never a good thing. it has a way of getting you down and keeping you down

home= we went through a roomate crisis but now hae a new one. and i hae beautiful new furniture that i absolutely love. also have a new washer that was a saga and a half but in the end is really great howeer word to the wise; never ever buy from sears. $1800 dollars for a $400 washer- I will leave it at that

widowhood= some days great some days not. part of this new life that will always be with us i think. i miss him- enough said.

friends= eh. i've learned that i do have a few ery good friends. i have also learned that i had some "friends" that weren't really friends as soon as my life went in a direction that they didn't like. oh well.

c= great. we are so happy together and just so happy period. we are finding it more and more challenging to not live together but for the time being it is for the best. we treasure our time together and value it more than anything. he continues to amaze me and makes me laugh more than i ever have.

i promise to try to write more- it's my resolution because there are things that need to be written about. I still read every day a bunch of blogs and want to get back into it.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Welcome back! I've thought about you and wondered how you are.